Telling Time Unit

Mrs. Turner's Second Grade Class

Parents and Students,

Last week we learned about measurement and this week we will learn about time. We will be telling time to the hour, half-hour, minute and learning a.m. and p.m. time. We use time a lot in our daily conversations it will be easy to apply to real life. We are constantly looking at the time or going places based on time. The telling time unit is five days. The Common Core Standard: MD.7 Tell and write time from analog and digital clock to the nearest five minutes using a.m. and p.m. Parents and students review each day and parents if your child is having difficulty with the unit, please use the class Wakelet website to review interactive lessons with your child. All technology links are available in the lesson plans below.

 Lesson Objectives:

  • Students will be able to tell and write time to the nearest hour on an analog and digital clock.
  • Students will be able to tell and write time to the nearest half-hour on an analog and digital clock.
  • Students will be able to tell and write time to the nearest minute on an analog and digital clock
  • Students will be able to tell and write time on an analog clock and digital clock using a.m. and p.m.



Monday: I can describe a digital and an analog clock. I can give a student-friendly definition of vocabulary words.

  • Show students a digital and analog clock
  • Students will use Padlet to share what they know about the clocks. (Day1)
  • The teacher will introduce and discuss the following terms: second, minute, hour, digital clock, analog clock, a.m., and p.m.
  • The teacher will divide students into groups, and each group will have two chart papers.
  • The first chart paper will be divided into four sections: 1 second, 1minute, 1hour, and half-hour.
  • Students will list activities they can do in 1 second, 1 minute, 1 hour, and half-hour.
  • The second chart paper will be divided into four sections: digital clock, analog clock, a.m., and p.m
  • Students will draw and label a digital and an analog clock
  • Students will draw and write activities that are a.m. and p.m.
  •  Students will use Book Creator to demonstrate vocabulary words code PJQY7WM
  • Assessment: Students will review vocabulary words on Kahoot (Day 1) 
  • Remediation: Students will match vocabulary words with definitions

Tuesday: I can tell time to the hour and half-hour on an analog and digital clock.

Wednesday: I can tell time to the nearest five minutes on an analog and digital clock

Homework:  Students will view the Flipped Classroom powerpoint telling time using a.m. and p.m.

Thursday: I can tell and write time from analog and digital clock to the nearest five minutes using a.m. and p.m.

Assessment: Students will list three facts about a.m. and p.m. on Padlet (Day 4)

Friday: I can tell and write time from analog and digital clock to the nearest hour, half-hour, and minute using a.m. and p.m.

The Benefit of Integrated Technology:

Kahoot: (1) I can create quizzes on key concepts and vocabulary. (2) Review for formative assessment (3) I can use the data results for instruction

Padlet: (1) Students are able to collaborate online (2) I can use it to check for understanding of key concepts.

Book Creator: (1) Students can use the multiple text box to draw a clock and show the time for each activity (2) Students write and publish their own timeline in a book format

Nearpod: (1) Will give students and teachers immediate feedback on assessment (2) After students are finished with the quiz, I can download the results, and see the class progress

Wakelet: Create collections of information about a specific skill or subject



Lesson Plan!Auq9WzvuGH-5hB8f_Zl6sAIECORb

Instructional Video


Instructional Presentation

 Video Presentation